Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm Jus Sayin'

I heard Chris Rock mention recently that all is fair in love. A little cliché but true nonetheless. Should you deny yourself the chance at love because of loyalty to a friend? We all try to justify our actions in some way. Is she really a friend or merely an acquaintance? How long did they date? Did they really date or were they just “kickin it”?
I asked my soon to be sixteen year old daughter this question (High School Blues) and she answered emphatically NO! It’s NEVER ok. So, being me, I say “so you mean no girl can ever like any boy you have ever liked, ever?” And she answers without missing a beat, “not my friend”.
Ok, I get it and I have been of the same belief since I was about her age, even when I have had more in common with my friend’s boyfriend than she did. I would befriend dude because of his relationship with my friend only for them to break up down the line. It seems sort of “icky” to say the least that you would consider having relations with someone that you KNOW was intimate with a friend. But let’s just say you do decide to cross the line. Can you all remain friends? Would you always wonder if they were still “kickin it”?

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