Sunday, August 2, 2009

I am a pretty good catch! Why haven't I been snatched up yet?

Are you one of the last of your friends to be married? Have you ever wondered what it is about you that scares even the most eligible of bachelors away? How many times have you heard it’s not you it’s me? I hate to tell you this……It is YOU. Harsh? Yes True? Probably.
Let’s face it. If you are somewhat attractive, a nice person, health conscious (you don’t eat fast food everyday and take an occasional walk), a good friend, have a good sense of humor AND have your own dough and you are still single AND OVER 35; it is the choices YOU are making that is keeping you from walking down the aisle.
Think about it for a minute. Are you picking the same guy over and over but don’t understand why your relationships don’t last? Maybe you are attracted to ineligible men because it is YOU who is afraid of commitment. Maybe you are extremely picky (He sweats too much) because if no one can live up to your expectations you can’t be let down or disappointed.
Remember: Same actions, same results. Try something different. Start with working on you.

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100%. But let me add this. YOU could have walked down the isle a long time ago, but your cute ass let some good guys go thinking you could do better. Now someone else has worked with those guys, cleaned them up a little and marched them down the isle. Now here you are OVER 35 trying to compete with the 20 somethings who are droppin it like it's hot. Moral of this story is...srike while your iron is hot. Now that your iron is luke warm, you trying to get the wrinkles out. Sad, just sad.
