Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mike Vick-Where's the Story?

All he did was kill some dogs…right? Why don’t we cut him some slack? He did his time. Why is it taking him so long to be signed?
Maybe someone can explain it to me. If he were a stockbroker and convicted of running a prostitution ring; would he be allowed to seamlessly return to Wall Street after serving his time?
Don’t shoot the messenger (you could always strap me to a mating harness and let …ok never mind)
I am not a big fan of football. I couldn’t tell you what his average was, or how many yards he ran for. I can say that everyone deserves a second chance. If football is all he knows then he should be allowed to return to the game. What we can do from this point is teach our young boys that while they are in college pursing the NFL instead of the M.B.A; have a back up plan. I applaud Michael Vick for now reaching out to inner city youth warning them of the dangers of dog fighting. Animals should never have to die to make a millionaire hood rich. If only someone could have gotten this message to him 3 years ago. I am confidant that we are a very forgiving society. Vick will once again make millions for himself and the billionaire owner who eventually signs him.


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